Yep, I can't wait to joyfully praise God for slaughtering 99.9% of the earth's population. What a great solution to all the world's woes. That will definitely prove that Satan was evil and God was love.
Good point.
in the 2nd study article, page 29, paragraph 17.
"a similar shocking end will come to the symbolic harlot who has the name "babylon the grat.
" the harlot represents the false religions of satan's world, which have their origin in the ancient city of babylon.
Yep, I can't wait to joyfully praise God for slaughtering 99.9% of the earth's population. What a great solution to all the world's woes. That will definitely prove that Satan was evil and God was love.
Good point.
january 15, 2006, "oppose satan, and he will flee!
" pg 29, paragraphs 13, 14
I'm all ears.I know of one who has been df over 2 yrs, ; lived an exemplary life even by jw standards (including meetings) for 1 & 1/2 yrs, submitted letters of repentance, ;& the elders will not even meet with him. They admit there is nothing more he can do. Just wait.
Man, that is sad that someone has been wasting so much of their life away just to get those @-holes to get off their high horse and reinstate the person. I think some of them must love lording over their postions and keeping a power and fear over their congregation.
I hope this person comes to terms with what utter nonesense it all is, but if people are going to be around anyway, I hope they get reinstated.
jehovah's loses comp case
church may be forced to pay millions
by jess wisloski.
JW BEN, CT Russell stated that a student would be better off to study the WT publications than the Bible because if they studied Studies in the Scriptures alone the would have the "Truth" however if they studied the Bible alone after just 2 years the would be back in spiritual darkness.
Silenced1212, that's one of the big things I didn't think of when I posted earlier and is a major prob for Ben to answer, I think.
jehovah's loses comp case
church may be forced to pay millions
by jess wisloski.
"Also, we must not only publish books about or in explanation of the Bible; we must also help the Bible readers to understand these Bible-explaining books, …" (The Watchtower Nov. 15, 1961 p.694)
Thanks Garybuss~!
I was telling my wife what I typed today and she was definitely agreeing the WT publications are to be used in conjunction with studying the bible and that the bible is really not to be studied alone. It appears most of the attention is focused on the publications rather than the bible, IMO.
jehovah's loses comp case
church may be forced to pay millions
by jess wisloski.
JW Ben,
I've never been a Jehovah's Witness but am married to one that became df'd just before we were married. I studied the Watchtower and its views for about a year before she and I married and have studied it since.
Not trying to be rude at all here but am simply curious. You say the Witnesses only need the bible, but my understanding is the bible is only to be studied along with the various WT guidebooks, guiding the way in which verses are read and how they are to be interpreted. I also recall there has been at least a few times when the WT publications have stated something only to come back and later change a statement -- and every Witness had to obey what it said or risk being df'd from my understanding, by the way. This means that some people were df'd during the time a particular policy was inacted but would not have been after the policy was changed. Were any of these now former Witnesses contacted and told they were allowed for reinstatement, or were they still just left out in the cold to be shunned by the organization and by their own families~?
Also, when you say Witnesses only need the bible to go by, you are aware there are many verses that can be viewed in different ways and that the WT only allows its people to share the single view those in the corporate office dictate, right? And it has been proven and even admitted before in a WT publication that the board is not infallible. So why are the Witnesses required to only view scriptures in the exact same light the WT leaders decide is correct -- at risk of being df'd and not allowed to talk to their own families anymore such as my wife endures as well as many others on this forum?
I haven't posted here in a long time and apologize for not listing any specific scriptures, etc., but assume you are aware of what I am referring to. If not, I will spend more time later to come up with specific examples. Thanks for any reply.
it just occurred to me recently.
we are told that holy spirit moves to and fro, that there is a source of dynamic energy that never stops etc, so why after 6 creative days, would there be a need to rest?
Hey look another crazy person! Yay, I thought we were gonna run out!
Doesn't appear the forum's going to run out of apparent A-holes anytime soon...
Regarding the initial topic, I don't recall the bible saying anything about God having to/being required to rest, though it's a possibility God needed to or possibly was setting a symbolic example.
So... I didn't talk smack about the bible or put anyone down for giving an honest indepth opinion (however possibly misguided) that apparently isn't popular here; I guess I'm next on the poo-list~?
this is a very important observation, that the watchtower has not tried to explain in print why 607 bce is the year for the destruction of jerusalem for the last 17 years!!!.
all that the watchtower has done over most of the last two decades is to repeat over and over the year "607bce" in its publications as if it is an unquestioned fact!.
the last time an explaination for the year was attempted by the watchtower was in 1988 when the "insight" volumes were published, but since then, no explaination for the validity of the year has appeared in print.. this must mean something, but what?
No, it displays a loyalty to the WT FDS Teaching/Writing Committees, as does all other JW teachings.
100% Exactly~!
i have read your posts and am suprised, shocked and disgusted at the fact you still are an active witness who goes to the meetings 70% of the time and at the same time go to apostefests and curse and talk bad about the truth.
dont you know that the bible said people like you would quietly slip in the congregation and subvert the faith of some?
are you not afraid of god and jesus?
like i stated at the outset i will talk to anyone except apostates, disfellowshipped or haters of Jehovah and Jesus witness or notThis was defd personal claim on another thread as to whom or whom not he would respond. In spite of the fact that I do not meet his criteria, I have been judged by him as unworthy. In addition, many others who are 1-aknowledged apostates 2- disfellowshipped 3- haters of Jehovah or Jesus - he does respond to at times. I think the real reason is that he cannot defend what he believes and he knows it. Otherwise why is he here? He is trying to find the escape hatch from the borg. If he comes here enough it will become obvious, as the light gets brighter and brighter.... Jeff
I've never been a JW, don't hate Jehovah or Jesus though last night was the first time I've been to church in years -- with the exception of a few Kindom Hall services and the Memorial I attended with my wife. But I get the impression that Jehovah's Witnesses won't talk to anybody that doesn't seem a likely candidate for conversion. Nothing wrong with that I guess. Anyway, it's possible he and others may have a change of mind and heart after a while. My wife was in a place where she was continually being left out of get-togethers where she'd have a chance to meet a nice JW guy to possibly marry, and she was deemed as being bad after waiting for years because a guy she almost hooked up with forced her to kiss him, and after she had felt violated and like she was no longer pure and had not been put in situations that would favor meeting anybody, she then later was judged for hooking up with two relationships, a year apart, with "worldly" men. She forced herself to meet the elders demands and break up with them each time after only a brief relationship only to be ignored to a large degree (though I will admit the elders and people have been nice to her brother who has some medical/mental issues, and I think that's cool). Finally after being tempted by another "worldly" man after she tried for about a year to hook up with a nice JW man but was then confronted with the info that he didn't view her as pure enough or whatever, she ended up hooking up with me instead -- someone who's been a Christian most of his life and had spent the previous year researching the Watchtower via places like this forum and the site. It took about 4-5 months into our marriage and being df'd, unable to talk to her own family, for her to be ready enough for me to show her this site and similar ones, and it took a little time, but she's now convinced of the problems of the WT and no longer views the WT as the "Truth" but rather a control scheme of men based on a tightly controlled and erroneous view of various biblical passages, no matter how obviously wrong some of the views are. She likely still shares some views in common with the WT, possibly regarding such areas as the Trinity and hell, but she no longer believes she has to push magazines and be forced into a role that's not natural for many people but rather that she can help people in a biblical sense in other ways, like just talking to people she meets in good/proper time, etc., and she's a lot happier as a result of not feeling trapped into having to live a pattern of rules that don't fit everybody equally or that don't make much sense in areas.
i have read your posts and am suprised, shocked and disgusted at the fact you still are an active witness who goes to the meetings 70% of the time and at the same time go to apostefests and curse and talk bad about the truth.
dont you know that the bible said people like you would quietly slip in the congregation and subvert the faith of some?
are you not afraid of god and jesus?
I never said that either. I hope you ARE the type that would accept the Good News of Gods Kingdom. I wish that ALL would. But I know from the bible that ALL will not.
I agree, but have you also read where many will be led astray by people saying he is here, or he is there, or he is hidden (i.e. sounds very similar to Jesus' invisible return)?
i have read your posts and am suprised, shocked and disgusted at the fact you still are an active witness who goes to the meetings 70% of the time and at the same time go to apostefests and curse and talk bad about the truth.
dont you know that the bible said people like you would quietly slip in the congregation and subvert the faith of some?
are you not afraid of god and jesus?
Or any number of unhappy and active dubs
Of course, I hope the poster keeps viewing the info found on the board his/herself for a while. I can tell from my wife's experience that it can be brutally tough for some to come to the knowledge that the "Truth" isn't actually the truth, on their parade. ()